A much-under-rated
element of good company
CampControl is fully-configurable to use the
same Chart of Accounts as is used in your
company’s accounting system.
Tax Credits
It is essential that the Chart of
Accounts includes the
minimum number of
categories or classes to
distinguish expenditure which qualifies for tax
credits from expenditure which does not.
Assets and Expenses
QuickBooks Online uses a
flexible chart of accounts to
allow balance sheet tracking
of your assets and liabilities,
and income and expense account tracking of
your daily financial transactions.
Chart of Accounts
Chart of Accounts
A chart of accounts (COA) is a created
list of the accounts used by an
organization to define each class of
items for which money or the
equivalent is spent or received. It is
used to organize the finances of the
entity and to segregate expenditures,
revenue, assets and liabilities in order
to give interested parties a better
understanding of the financial health of
the entity.
Aliqua sed ut sunt reprehenderit est eiusmod
elit ad aliqua. Aliquip ullamco labore veniam
nisi est ea, in cillum elit voluptate. Ea
reprehenderit lorem pariatur veniam sed esse
mollit eu velit consequat et elit. Nulla esse,
mollit incididunt. Qui, ut consectetur pariatur
tempor deserunt fugiat.